
Who is a TEACHER??

                 Who is a TEACHER? Is a teacher the one who teach? Is a teacher the one who guide? Is a teacher the one who lead?......... A teacher is the one who teach, guide and lead… But more than this a real teacher is the one who inspires. A real teacher always inspires a student to explore his or her inner self. Only a teacher can reach into the depth of child’s mind. Teacher is the second parent of a child. As a child spent most of the time in school, the teacher has a great influence in his character building. A good teacher always encourages the students to bring out their good abilities and motivate them to do good. An ideal teacher should always be like a friend to every students in order to get their confusions out. A teacher will be a mom or dad if the need is there. Teacher educates every student to achieve  his or her best and if someone or something impedes that process of learning, a teacher will make it go away. Since a teacher is the one who shapes the mind of the s

E content

Poem Another Chance by Helen Steiner Rice

Origin of English

English is an important language for many reasons. It is very widely spoken, both as  first and second language. It is now the main language of commerce, diplomacy, science and technology...... Here is a brief note about the origin of English language...

PowerPoint Presentation

Poetic device is a technique a writer uses to produce a special effect in their writing. Some of them are presented here... Poetic Devices

Data Analysis

The data analysis of the marklist of the achievement test that I conducted in 9 E class of GGHS, Wadakkanchery, during my internship is being shared here. Marklist

Time Table

The Time Table is a form of planning which is an essential component of an educational or any other kind of the institution. As a part of my internship in GGHS, Wadakkanchery, I have prepared a time table for 9 E class. Time Table

Audio - Visual Aids

Audio - visual aids used in the teaching - learning process have wide significance from the view points of teachers as well as learners. As a part of my internship in GGHS Wadakkanchery, I have prepared some audio - visual aids and here are some of them. Directory of Images and Videos